Friday, February 5, 2010


These are some of the goals I have, both long term and short term, to help myself feel better about my body.

  1. Evaluate how I'm feeling about my body throughout the day, in the morning, afternoon, and before I go to bed. If I'm feeling negatively towards it, ask myself why, and what triggered the negativity.
  2. Start working out three times a week to give me more energy and to feel healthier and better about my choices. 
  3. Start eating more healthily, and at regular times. Eating little snacks between meals to curb outrageous hunger. 
  4. Sleep more. Go to bed earlier, and take meletonin if I can't sleep so I can get 8-10 hours a night so that I feel good and not cranky.
  5. Make some pretty colored signs that give me encouragement, say positive things about me, and post them around my mirror, on my walls, and in my car. 
  6. Take my medication every day.
  7. Quit smoking. (This is more of a long term goal, one I will address when I feel  like I have everything else under control.)
  8. Do things outside of my comfort zone. Wear more dresses, more heels, more sassy stuff that looks good on me but makes me uncomfortable. Get outside my box.
  9. Take things slow. I have a tendency to be a very instant gratification type person. I can't do all of this overnight.
  10. If I forget to do one of these goals that I'm working on, then I will try and forgive myself and move on, not just give up and berate myself. Try and try again.
These are the things that I want to work on. I am planning on taking these things one at a time, starting with number one, but I may not necessarily go in order for the rest of the items on my list. I'm also not going to set a time limit for them. I'm doing this for me, and at my own pace.

1 comment:

  1. I Like rule 10. I need to start obeying rule 10.
